Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Narciso Rodriguez FW 2o1o

I'm knackered from a day that started a 5:15am and didn't stop til 7pm. More on that later. Here's how my girls looked at Narciso Rodriguez yesterday, with black mascara in their brows - and little else but powder!
Give it up for Ginta (LOVE!)
And here's Jac at her rack! First Looks.
 Five minutes later...

BTW I did my last turn EVER at Bryant Park this morning, and let's please boo hoo about the Lincoln Center relocation right now so that tomorrow I can just report on Kors (which was in the tents) all happy.. like in a Tarantino movie where someone gets offed and then the the next scene we're back in time to when they were just sitting there lovable, jive talking & eating a hamburger.

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